Submit Your Evidence!
15th Dec '22 - MPs launched an inquiry today into the affordability of childcare and challenges faced by the Early Years sector!
Chair Robin Walker commented ‘It’s vital that we identify solutions to the range of problems and challenges facing the childcare sector in England, understand why the costs have become too dear for many families, and see what the Government could do to raise the esteem, affordability and quality of early years education.'
The Committee of cross-party MPs is seeking evidence on problems faced by the childcare sector, such as funding issues, recruitment and retention of qualified staff etc and invites written submissions by 19 January 2023. Written evidence should be no more than 3,000 words. We have developed a document with prompts of aspects you may want to consider talking about in your response. Please download here to have a look through. Click on the image above for a direct link to the page to complete your response.