Go Fund Me... (if you can)
We MUST have our voice heard... the alternative is unthinkable...
Read the below then donate here if you can https://gofund.me/10e94a0d
For too long now, the Government have knowingly underfunded the Early Years sector, resulting in providers operating huge losses. Many have had to close, and many more will disappear in the next 12 months.
Not only does Early Years Equality want to campaign for better funding, we want to totally change the narrative of Early Years. Being included in policy making, changing the way we are taxed and treated as businesses - but we need to unite the sector to do this
We are working hard to get providers across England to join together with us so that we can be one voice. Our efforts are going in to organising our first protest on June 24th where providers and parents can stand together to show the government that we do not accept this treatment of our sector and of children under 5.
If we can achieve our goal of realistic funding it will result in the sustainability of settings, realistic salaries for our highly qualified and experienced staff, high-quality provisions where investment can be channelled back into resources for the children and lower bills for parents. If we can't achieve this then we can empower providers to refuse to accept the funding as 'free', charging top ups as they need to keep their businesses sustainable. We can ensure all those accessing early childhood education and care are aware that these top ups are because of the governments failure to fund us properly.
Much of this such as organising transport to the protest, developing our rights on ribbons installation, advertising so that we can get as much presence as possible and funding this website, costs money. It is currently being funded and run by a few volunteers, however we can't make this effective without signficant investement.
Therefore - if you believe in the cause, if you believe early years providers deserve better funding and recognition, if you believe early years educators deserve higher salaries, if you believe parents deserve lower fees and most importantly that children under 5 deserve high quality, sustainable early childhood education and care - PLEASE donate, share with others who may be able to donate and/or fundraise on our behalf!
To donate, please visit the Go Fund Me page: https://gofund.me/10e94a0d
Thank you
Early Years Equality x